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    What is the right shoe size for my child?

    We recommend checking the size of your child's feet every 2-3 months, especially for younger children. It is also a good idea to check the size at the change of season and when buying new shoes.

    Have your kid stand on a paper, heel against the wall. Mark the foot length on the paper and measure the distance to the heel end of the sheet. You just need to check the foot length, we've already included the room for growth and movement in our size chart. Choose the size in the table according to the foot length.

    How to measure feet GIF
    loikkii Barefoot shoe 1080x1080

    Explore barefoot freedom

    Our new range of zero-heel, roomy last barefoot shoes let your kid go out and about in maximum comfort and child-friendly ergonomics. They're the next best thing to walking barefoot!